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Hair Transplant/Grafting

Hair Transplant/Grafting

Hair transplant surgery, also referred to as hair restoration or hair grafting, is a medical procedure that involves taking hair from a donor site on the scalp and transplanting it to a balding or thinning area. This solution to hair loss has gained popularity in recent years and can also be used for
eyebrow restoration. Hair transplant surgery can improve one’s self-confidence and self-esteem, as it can provide the individual with a fuller head of hair or natural-looking eyebrows. Hair transplant surgery’s benefits include natural-looking results, a permanent solution to hair loss, low maintenance, cost-effectiveness in the long term, and minimal scarring, which the remaining hair can easily hide. If you are losing your hair or are thinning in areas, Gentle Giant Care, LLC in Atlanta, GA, offers hair transplant/grafting and eyebrow grafting services to restore lost hair or thicken areas where hair is beginning to thin to regain your natural young-looking traits.

Eyebrow Grafting

Eyebrow grafting is perfect for those experiencing thinning or patchy eyebrows. Like regular hair grafting for the scalp, the procedure involves removing the hair follicles from a donor site on the scalp and transplanting them to the eyebrow area, creating a fuller and more natural-looking eyebrow. At Gentle Giant Care, LLC, our experienced hair transplant surgeons use the Book an appointment today!

Hair Transplant/Grafting Benefits:


During the hair transplant process, hair follicles are removed from a donor site on the scalp and transplanted to the balding or thinning area. The donor site is generally on the back or sides of the head, where hair tends to be thicker and less susceptible to balding. The transplanted hair continues to grow in its new location, and the procedure can take several hours to complete.

The procedure will be performed under local anesthesia, minimizing pain or discomfort. Some patients may experience some mild discomfort or soreness in the days following the surgery, but this can be managed with pain medication.

Yes, hair transplant surgery can restore thin or patchy eyebrows. The process is similar to a hair transplant on the scalp, with hair follicles transplanted into the eyebrow area. This can help create a fuller, more natural-looking eyebrow.

It can take several months to see the full results of a hair transplant, as the transplanted hair needs time to grow and settle into its new location. Patients typically see some new hair growth within the first few months, with full results visible after 6-12 months.

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